
Creating a custom adapter is relatively simple.
We highly recommend you to inherit from BaseFieldFuncAdapter or BaseBlockFuncAdapter.
These adapters are basically pre-setup to callback to a javascript function on successful form submission.
This will save you the most amount of work.

We will create an adapter to change the color of a text field.

Our adapter will be called colorizer.

  1. Our model is defined as follows:

     1from wagtail.models import Page
     2from wagtail.admin.panels import FieldPanel
     3from django.db import models
     5class MyPage(Page):
     6    COLOR_CHOICES = [
     7        ("#000000", "Black"),
     8        ("#FFFFFF", "White"),
     9        ("#FF0000", "Red"),
    10        ("#00FF00", "Green"),
    11        ("#0000FF", "Blue"),
    12    ]
    14    color = models.CharField(max_length=7, default="#000000", choices=COLOR_CHOICES)
    16    content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
    17        FieldPanel("color"),
    18    ]
  2. We have the following HTML template:

    {% load fedit %}
    {% fedit colorizer page.color target=".my-colorized-div" %}
    <div class="my-colorized-div" style="color: {{ page.color }}">
        <h1>Colorized Text!</h1>

View the custom Python adapter in the Adapters Python page.

View the custom Javascript adapter in the Adapters Javascript page.