Getting Started

  1. Add 'wagtail_fedit' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

    2    ...,
    3    'wagtail_fedit',
  2. Run py ./ collectstatic.

  3. Run py ./ adapter_help to see all your options and their requirements.

Click here to get more information on how to make your models editable.

Adapter help output:

Registered Adapters
 * The first argument is the identifier of the adapter.
 * The second argument is the model and/or field to edit. instance.modelfield or instance
 * Arguments prefixed with a exclamation mark are absolute. These act like flags.
 * Arguments prefixed with a question mark are optional.
 * Extra keyword arguments are optional; must be serializable to JSON and should not be too complex.
   This is due to limits in URL-size when sharing context between views.
 * You can specify 'as varname' as the last arguments to the templatetag to store the adapter HTML in a context variable.

    {% fedit field instance.modelfield !inline %}
      This adapter is used to edit a field of a model instance.
       * inline: if passed; the adapter will be rendered with inline styles.


    {% fedit dom-field instance.modelfield !inline %}
      This adapter is used to edit a field of a model instance.
       * inline: if passed; the adapter will be rendered with inline styles.


    {% fedit block instance.modelfield !admin !inline !movable block: blocks.Block ?block_id: str %}
      This adapter is used to edit a block of a streamfield.
       * admin: if passed; the adapter will add a quick- link to the Wagtail Admin for this block.
       * inline: if passed; the adapter will be rendered with inline styles.
       * movable: if passed; the adapter will add move buttons to the toolbar.
       * block: the block instance to edit. This can be a regular block instance or a BoundBlock.
       * block_id: the ID of the block to edit, required if block is not a BoundBlock.


    {% fedit dom-block instance.modelfield !admin !inline !movable block: blocks.Block ?block_id: str %}
      This adapter is used to edit a block of a streamfield.
       * admin: if passed; the adapter will add a quick- link to the Wagtail Admin for this block.
       * inline: if passed; the adapter will be rendered with inline styles.
       * movable: if passed; the adapter will add move buttons to the toolbar.
       * block: the block instance to edit. This can be a regular block instance or a BoundBlock.
       * block_id: the ID of the block to edit, required if block is not a BoundBlock.


    {% fedit model instance !admin !inline ?render_method: str='render_as_content' %}
      This adapter is used for directly editing a model instance.
       * admin: If passed; the adapter will add a quick-link to the Wagtail Admin for this model.
       * inline: if passed; the adapter will be rendered with inline styles.
       * render_method: The method to call on the object to render it as content. Default is 'render_as_content'.


    {% fedit field_bg_image instance.modelfield !preserve_svg target: str ?css_variable_name: str='background-image' ?filter_spec: str='original' %}
      This adapter is used for changing a css property of a target element to a background-image.
       * preserve_svg: Remove any directives that would require an SVG to be rasterised
       * target: The target element to apply the background-image to - this should be a css selector.
       * css_variable_name: The CSS variable name to apply the background-image to., url);
       * filter_spec: The filter spec to apply to the image.